The hormones that promote root growth for plants usually consist of hormones. Although some formulas contain very little fertilizer, they may not contain enough of the ingredients that are essential for leaf growth such as nitrogen.
About root stimulators
Auxin is the hormone that stimulates root development. Indole acetic is the natural form of auxin found in plants. Gulley Garden Center advises that root stimulators are made from the synthesized auxin indole-3,butyric acid.
Some root stimulators contain very little fertilizer. Kansas State Research and Extension advises that you should not use any fertilizer for planting trees and shrubs. This will ensure that you have enough time to amend the soil with any necessary nutrients.
A root stimulator can be applied to new plants when they are planted in the ground or in pots. You can also use it at other times during the year to help the roots grow. You may find additional timing suggestions in the package instructions for the root stimulator that you choose.
Directions for Root and Grow
Use a root stimulator according to the instructions on the package. They may vary slightly depending on which brand you use and what type of plant it is. Ferti-lome root stimulation is a concentrated product. Mix 3 1/2 teaspoons of root stimulator with 1 gallon water to dilute, advises Foli-lome.
Annual flowers will require 1 pint. Larger plants like rosebushes will need 3 pints. For larger trees and shrubs, you will need 1 gallon. The diluted solution can be used on potted houseplants too. For a 6-inch pot, use 1/2 cup root stimulator solution.
When you plant the root stimulator, make sure to use the recommended amount. The solution should not touch the top of the plant. After you have finished planting, water the plant well.
Safety Tips and Considerations
You must follow all safety precautions when root growing plants. Avoid root stimulators in areas where heavy rains are likely or where the solution could run into waterways.
Root stimulator can cause skin irritations or eye damage if it is ingested, inhaled, or contacted by your skin. Avoid using root stimulator in windy conditions as it could blow on you. To dilute the concentrate, do not use the same measuring cups you use in your kitchen.
You should immediately call your doctor if you inhale the root stimulator. Sip water, but not anything else. Do not attempt to vomit. You should rinse the solution off your skin and eyes for 15 to 20 minutes if it gets on your skin. Inhale the root stimulator. Get outside. To determine if additional treatment is required, call the poison control center.
Things You Will Need
- Kit for soil testing
- Root stimulator
- Mixing container or bucket
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