If you permit a driver to use the vehicle and there is a collision, you must submit a claim to your insurance company. Your policy will cover the bulk of medical expenses, property damages, and other costs. However, if your losses are over your policy’s limit, you can make claims against the responsible driver.

Who Is Liable If Someone Else Wrecks Your Car?

Most of the time, your insurance coverage for cars is applicable to your car in addition to you as a driver. Thus, the normal laws of liability typically apply. According to the Georgia Code, SS51-1, the driver who causes an accident is legally responsible for paying for any damages, which includes injuries as well as property damages.

If another driver is in your car and another driver causes an accident, the insurance of the driver at fault is typically responsible for covering expenses. In contrast, in the event that you are the one driving your vehicle is the one who caused the accident, the insurance of your car will typically cover the damage. However, there are limitations to this. If you’re uncertain about the specifics of your insurance coverage, make contact with your auto insurance provider.

What If The Person Driving Your Car Has Their Own Insurance Policy?

If the driver of your vehicle has an auto insurance policy, that insurance may be an insurance secondary to your own. However, it’s not a car insurance myth that a driver who is not an owner is completely accountable. Your auto insurance will remain the primary source of coverage.

Let’s say that a person driving your vehicle causes a collision. Because they were the ones to blame for your car, the insurance company is accountable for the damage. However, a problem could be created if the policy only covers damage up to a specific dollar amount.

If the expenses of the incident are greater than the policy limit and the insurance coverage of the driver of your car could be able to cover what remains.

What If Your Car Insurance Refuses To Pay For An Accident?

There are several situations that your insurance might not agree to cover damages when another driver was driving your vehicle. These include:

  1. Someone steals your car without your consent.
  2. The driver of your car has been specifically exempt from your insurance coverage.
  3. The driver is intoxicated by alcohol or drugs or has not an official license.

How Do You Prove You Gave Someone Permission To Drive Your Car?

It can be very difficult to establish if somebody was allowed to drive your vehicle. If you can’t prove that you didn’t allow them to drive and an accident did occur, then you could end up in the process of paying for damages.

It is also possible to exempt the person from your insurance plan when they have a bad driving record, and you’re aware it could increase your insurance premiums. If you allow that driver to drive your vehicle and they cause an accident, the insurance will not be required to cover the damage. Then you’ll have to cover the costs out of pocket.

In addition, you could be held accountable for any damages that occur in the event that the driver of your vehicle is doing anything unlawful, like driving while under the influence or not possessing an official driver’s license.

What Should You Do After Someone Else Crashes Your Car?

When a car accident occurs within your vehicle, even if it does not directly affect you, it’s important to act swiftly. You have an additional two years following the time of the incident to pursue compensation following an injury to your personal. In light of the fact that gathering evidence and constructing an action can be a lengthy process, the time frame can be shortened.

Call a car accident lawyer

The initial step would be to call a lawyer for car accidents. Because every car accident is unique, you may need legal assistance depending on the circumstances.

If the incident was not to blame for the driver of your car, a seasoned attorney can ensure that you get compensation for the damages. Even if you weren’t present in the vehicle at the time of the incident, the responsible driver must be held accountable for the damages. The driver of your vehicle might be injured, and you could see the vehicle being damaged.

Insurance companies will seek ways to pay less than what the costs of an accident are worth. An attorney for car accidents can ensure your rights are protected in securing the compensation you’re entitled to.

Understand your coverage

Also, you should be aware of the rules for your insurance policy and the coverage it provides. Your attorney could investigate the matter for you, and. In the event that you purchase only just a minimal amount of auto insurance in accordance with Georgia law.

In this scenario, you’ll have the amount of $25,000 per person for bodily injury liability coverage. $50,000 for bodily injury liability coverage and $25,000 for each accident, and the liability for damage to property. The purpose of these costs is to cover medical costs for you as well as the responsible party in the event that you are held accountable for the incident.

There may be a gap, collision, or comprehensive insurance, rental car insurance, glass insurance, as well as other additional add-ons to your policy. They could be beneficial following an accident. However, since they’re not a necessity in all cases, you could have to take lawsuits against the accountable party to pay for these expenses in the event that you don’t have the policy.

Document the accident

Be sure that you or the driver contacts the police immediately after the accident occurs. This is not only legally required, and will keep an accident record to help you with the insurance company to file a claim.

If you’ve been in a car crash, note down the details and snap photographs.

Photograph the scene of the accident, including injuries, the scene, and any damage to property. If you weren’t involved at fault, Make sure that everyone in your car records these details. You may also talk to witnesses about what they saw and obtain their names and contact details.

Note down the details of how the incident occurred, as well as the details that you might not remember later. If you are able, take note of the homes or businesses nearby that might have recorded the incident on video. Lawyers can reach them to get footage from surveillance cameras that can help you prove your case against the responsible third party.

How Much Does An Attorney For These Car Accidents Cost?

Personal injury lawyers practice on a contingency basis which means that they don’t pay until you receive your settlement payment. If your case is dismissed and we don’t get paid a penny. The best part is that you can enjoy the benefit of free representation until you have settled.

After the case has been concluded after the case is concluded, we will take the money that you discussed during a free consultation.