There are many ways to make sure your children are safe while still having fun, whether you’re renting a bounce castle for your backyard or at a friend’s birthday party. We offer bouncy castles to rent in Portadown and Armagh as well as other areas of County Down and County Armagh.
How can you make sure your children are safe? These are some tips to help keep your children safe while playing on the bounce castle.
Basic Safety Measures
Always check the methods used to secure the bouncy castle to the ground when hiring one. This question should be answered easily by all reputable bouncy-castle companies. Bouncy castles can be secured with stakes, water containers, or sandbags. The bouncy castle company may offer to send an operator to your site to give you additional peace of mind. However, they should be able provide detailed information about the operation and safety measures.
Beware of Overcrowding
You need to be careful not to overcrowd the bouncy castle in any public or private garden. There will be a maximum number of users depending on the size of your bouncy castle in auckland. However, you don’t have to know exactly how many children are allowed to assess whether a bouncy house is safe. It is better to have a smaller group of older children bounce, leaving little space for the younger ones. This will reduce the risk of them all colliding and causing injury. Parents can use a party rota to ensure that everyone has the best time bouncing, without having too many children jumping at once.
Adult Supervision
No matter what occasion it may be, at least one adult must supervise the children at all times on the bouncy house to avoid any potential dangers. Important to remember that the supervisory adult must be independent from anyone letting children go or collecting tokens. It only takes one second for a child’s attention to be distracted and get hurt. It is best for adults to watch the children use the bouncy castle together if possible. If there are any minor accidents, one adult can watch the child while the other can offer assistance.
Get involved!
It’s a great way to keep your children safe at the bouncy castle. You don’t have to do backflips or jump yourself. However, sitting at the sidelines and watching all children can help ensure safety. Younger children often appreciate having a parent hold their hand while jumping. This can help boost their confidence and ensure that older and younger children interact well.
The Right Footwear
It is important to ensure that children are properly attired for bouncy castles. Jumping with only socks and no shoes is a good idea. Shoes can cause damage to the fabric and could be too rough. Socks provide good grip and help prevent kids from slipping and falling.
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