One of the most common questions that homebuyers tend to ask before the house inspection procedure is whether the home inspector will be looking or checking for moisture inside the home that has been shortlisted by the buyer. But, it should be realised that home inspectors not only look for moisture inside specified homes but also for other features.

However, in this article, we’ll only be talking about moisture and water damages that is rampant among most homes that are being sold in the market nowadays – with the help of home inspection in Brevard County. The kind of water or moisture-related damages range from roof leaks, ice dams, attic frost, wet basements, plumbing leaks, an intrusion of water through the walls and so on. 

How To Check For Moisture Inside A Home?

One of the most basic ways to find out moisture or water damages inside a home would be to simply look for the same with your bare naked eyes. The process is kickstarted just when the home inspector reaches the specified house. Since water damage mainly starts from the roof and then spreads to other places around the home, the home inspector always begins with the main culprit, i.e. the roof. 

By focusing on the thing that will always fail first, you’ll be quite successful in your home inspection procedure. Once done, the home inspector will move towards other areas of the home that might be affected due to the roof, such as walls, basements and so on. 

However, there will be times when the roof of the house will be in perfect shape, and the culprit could be something other. Times like these are when the home inspector starts to look for the windows & doors because they’re the second most popular culprit in letting moisture inside the house. It can be possible that water damage has been inflicted due to a leaky window or door and not the roof. Therefore, as a home inspector suggests – you have to cross-check everywhere before you make your final conclusion. 

How To Test For Moisture Inside A House?

Contrary to popular claims, water damages cannot be made sure just by looking at the exterior walls of the house or just looking at the state of the basement. These two places are entirely not conclusive, and therefore you cannot make your decisions after looking at the condition of either one. 

That’s why you need extra measures to find out whether there’s any water or moisture damage. Most home inspectors testify the carpets and the suspicious areas. Furthermore, they also use a moisture meter to find out about the truth and come to a piece of conclusive evidence about the same.