Each worker and employee is entitled to take time off work for holiday entitlement. Their employment contract will determine how long they can take off work. This article will cover the basics as well as the more complex details of holidays for part time employees within your company.

What’s the Holiday Entitlement for Part-Time Workers?

All employees are entitled to holiday pay. Employees who work five or more days per week are entitled to 5.6 weeks of annual leave, or 28 days (5 working days x 56 = 28, days). Employees who work five days per week can get 5.6 weeks annual leave. This applies to full-time employees and part-time workers.

While the terms “worker” and “employee can be interchangeably used, they are legally distinct. A contract of employment usually covers employees. They have the best protection rights for employment.

Workers are subject to a wider legal term, and have limited employment rights, as defined in their employment contracts.

Even though the terms may be different, part-time workers still receive holiday pay. It is just a different calculation. If you’re an:

  • Uber and Lyft have an agency worker
  • An individual who works irregular hours such as a truck driver, customer service agent, or truck driver
  • A worker with zero-hours contracts such as a receptionist or healthcare assistant

In each case, you are still eligible for holiday pay. However, it is less attractive than full-time employees.

How can you calculate your part-time holiday entitlement?

If they work part time, part-time employees have the right to holiday leave. This is calculated using a pro-rata method, which is proportionate to the amount of time they worked as compared to full-time workers.

A full-time employee can take 28 days off each year. This is equal to five working days x 56. Let’s take, for instance, a part-time worker who works three days per work week. They would get 16.8 days holiday leave if they worked three days x 5.6.

Take a look at the chart below to see Holiday entitlement for part-time workers.

Part-time workers with hours have a holiday entitlement

There are two ways to calculate holiday entitlements of employees who work outside the hours:

  • Calculation for shift
  • Hourly calculation

A shift calculation can be used to calculate how many hours you work each week. Multiply five shifts by 56 to get the correct holiday entitlement.

Retail workers might work six-hour shifts and only need to work four days per week. 4 days x 56 = 22.4 In this case, the worker can take 22.4 hours off her work as part of her holiday entitlement.

To calculate the hourly rate, multiply your weekly hours by 5.6 to get the annual leave.

Drivers who work 29 hours per week (29 x 56 = 162.44) are entitled to 162.4 hours of holiday entitlement every year.

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Bank Holiday Benefit for Part-Time Workers

Part-time workers should not take advantage of bank holidays

There are eight bank holidays each year. They are most common on Mondays. If part-time workers aren’t working on Mondays, they may not be eligible for the holiday entitlement.

Bank holiday entitlements pro-rata are offered by some organizations. This arrangement allows part-time workers to get the right amount in holidays.

Do you have to allow employees bank holidays leave?

Bank holidays should not be a problem for full-time employees. Your part-time employees don’t have to take time off to bank holidays.

Part-time employees are needed by many companies to work bank holidays in the retail, hospitality and other industries.

Does the annual leave include bank holidays?

An annual minimum of 28 days is required for a full-time employee. Employers have the option to include bank holidays (8-days) in their annual leaves. Employees will have access to at least 20 working days and 8 bank holidays days.

To make it easier for full-time employees to get more time off than they have to, some companies don’t include bank holidays in their holiday entitlement policies

An employer might stipulate in their employment contracts that they offer 24 days of holiday entitlement in addition to bank holidays. An employee might then be entitled to 32 days of holiday entitlement (24 plus 8 bank holidays days).

Many employers have a policy that employees get more vacations for the length of their employment.

In conclusion: Holiday entitlement for part-time workers

This article covers all aspects related to holiday entitlement for part-time workers. This article will help you calculate holiday days and answer your questions about bank holidays.