We saw that many houses are in dire need of stabilization of hillsides after the devastating Northridge earthquake of 1994. Many people died due to collapsing hillsides. These services are still needed in thousands of homes. New construction codes mandate that the highest standards of hillside stabilization be applied to all new buildings. Problem is, most homes in these areas are old and do not have the necessary stabilization to withstand the next major earthquake. This is expected to occur within the next ten years.

Your home might need hillside stability. These are not earthquakes. There are many products and methods that can stabilize your home. There are steps you can take to stabilize your hillside home and prevent it from collapsing. Sometimes it is too late to stabilize your hillside before your house slides, especially during rainy seasons.

Los Angeles and the surrounding areas are at risk of falling off hillsides. Many homes on hillside properties in Los Angeles and the surrounding area face this serious danger. Homes can become unstable due to erosion and rainwater. This is a common problem in Malibu and Hollywood Hills. Weinstein Retrofitting Systems provides the best solutions for hillside stabilization, hillside terracing and landslide remediation. We are able to use many hillside stabilization methods, from the ancient to the modern. This is why we are the only one who can do this in the Los Angeles region. Hillside drilling in los angeles stabilization does not need to be expensive, especially if you take preventative measures for your older home before the signs of failure start to appear. Hillside stabilization projects can become so complex that it is difficult to choose the right contractor. Weinstein Retrofitting Systems can offer life-saving hillside stability solutions. We have seen it all. We can solve any stabilization project!

There are many types of gabion systems available. These include twist tie or welded baskets with solid rock hand-placed. Gabions, gabion bags, and gabion walls are an effective and attractive way to prevent hillside soil from getting into your home, yard, or property. This type of construction has been used for centuries. Weinstein Retrofitting Systems, one of the few companies that offer it to homeowners in Southern California, offers it.

Gabion systems are still being used by homeowners to benefit from their natural materials and long-term benefits.    Many hillside homes in Southern California require grade beams and caissons. These are deep piles of concrete that support your home and property from beneath it. They are dug several feet below the ground. Caissons are required to build new homes on hillside properties. They are highly recommended for older homes without them for proper hillside stabilization. Caissons are the “aircraft carrier” of hillside stabilization methods.

A retaining wall is a common and effective way to stop soil from slipping into your home, yard, or property. Weinstein Retrofitting Systems will design and construct the ideal retaining wall to protect your home. Do not let runoff soil ruin your home. We can customize any design, and can offer a variety of building materials and retaining wall options.